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A Transition Program for students ages 18-21 with disabilities in Skagit County.
Adult Transition To Independence Center is a Transition Program for students ages 18-21 with disabilities in Skagit County. WVS operates a transition classroom in Burlington. The center includes a training Kitchen, classrooms, laundry training area, computer lab and skill development opportunities including work experiences in the community.
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides support to people with developmental disabilities so they can live in their own homes and experience common opportunities; public community guide to support services.
Provides support to people with developmental disabilities to live independently in their own home, with equal access to be engaged in their community, experiencing opportunities common to most people.
Community Inclusions
- Provides individuals with opportunities to engage in community activities to enhance socialization, recreation and personal development.
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
We provide training, assisted devices, and support to enable people experiencing vision loss to maintain or regain their independence. Our services are individualized based on each person’s needs and goals.
We provide training, assisted devices, and support to enable people experiencing vision loss to maintain or regain their independence. Our services are individualizes based on each person’s needs and goals.
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Assistive Technology Equipment Acquisition Assistance
A residential care facility for adults requiring medical care. Also offering independent living, assisted living and memory care.
A residential facility for adults requiring medical care.
Assisted Living Facilities
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Dementia Management
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Provides deposit, rental and utility assistance to individuals with serious mental illness.
The program can help with deposits, utilities, and rent. The program can also help with move in expenses, such as purchasing a bed, household supplies, and other essentials. Staff also conducts a pre-move in inspection and an annual inspection to ensure that the unit is a safe and functional unit for habitation.
Rent Payment Assistance
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Contracts with agencies to provide services and supports for older adults with developmental disabilities to help them participate in community activities.
Contracts with agencies to provide services and supports for older adults with developmental disabilities who are retired, or choose not to continue employment services after participating for at least 9 months.
Services help individuals
- Provide the support necessary to build and strengthen relationships between family members and members of the local community who are not paid to be with the individual
- Find places where an individual’s interest, culture, talent, and gifts can be contributed and shared with others with similar interests
- Provide opportunities for people to do things they enjoy as well as new and interesting things
- Support participation in clubs, associations, and organizations as members and in decision-making capabilities
Centers for Independent Living
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Offers transition programs directly oriented for youth and young adults with disabilities. Hosts events for youth and young adults as well as providing an independent living advocate that can meet one on one with youth consumers.
DAC NEW is an organization run by people with disabilities for people with disabilities. DAC NEW provides peer counseling, institutional transition, skills training, support, and mentoring for individuals with disabilities.
Life Skills Education
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Assesses the needs of those who are blind or have low vision to maximize their level of independence by teaching adaptive skills and recommending adaptive devices. Focuses on helping those not seeking employment. Serves northwest Washington.
Empowers people to live independently in their homes and communities.
Services assist participants in gaining the confidence, skills, and alternative techniques necessary to maintain or regain their independence to restart customary life activities.
Goal is to gain the ability to choose lifestyle and level of independence based on information and knowledge, not perceived limitations.
Travel Training for Older Adults/People With Disabilities
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Evaluation for Assistive Technology
Low Vision Aids
Provides training and support services for people with developmental disabilities in residential settings, whether own home or apartment.
Provides training and support services for people with developmental disabilities in residential settings, whether in their own home or apartment. The types of training and levels of support are specifically tailored to the needs of each individual program participant. Services offered include: meal preparation, bathing and dressing, shopping, financial resource management, transportation, household assistance, personal hygiene, body care, eating assistance, toileting, self-medication assistance, and transfer positioning.
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Federal website for obtaining information on Long Term Care (LTC) including options/types of service, general information, costs and insurance, Pathfinder for age or situational consideration guided assistance, etc.
Federal program for navigating the Long Term Care (LTC) services and processes so that the individual may receive any desired help with meeting their personal care needs including getting dressed, driving to appointments, or making meals. Offers Pathfinder services to help find providers in the area as well as different types of services depending on special circumstances, needs, or demographics.
Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Long Term Home Health Care
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Centers for Independent Living
Aging/Long Term Care Facility Associations
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Works to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities by providing training to individuals to perform vocational skills valued by society.
Helps in identifying and addressing life issues that may interfere with individual in preparing for, getting, or maintaining a job.
Some of the assessments may address:
- Bus training
- Home supports
- Supporting individuals to obtain emergency housing, counsel and support in domestic violence situations
- Identifying natural supports or needed supports in the home to ensure success
- Extensive assessment of a person's ability to manage themselves, their home and community life
- Thoroughly addresses life issues that are barriers to employment
- It defines a person's strengths and addresses functional limitations
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Supports individuals with developmental disabilities by providing community living services to help them live in their own homes within their own communities.
Supports individuals with developmental disabilities by providing community living services to help them live in their own homes within their own communities.
Individualized teaching and training may include:
- Personal hygiene
- Cooking, cleaning, and laundry
- Grocery shopping and menu planning
- Paying bills and budgeting
- Assistance with medications
- Doctor appointments and following doctor orders
- Support with communication devices, transportation, and support with activities
Supported Employment
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides in home and community support for people who have a developmental disability. Focuses on people who have a physical disability.
Provides in home and community support for people who have a developmental disability.
Focuses on people who have a physical disability.
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Provides small residential group care facilities, supported living, and community access for adults with developmental disabilities.
Supported living, and community access for adults with developmental disabilities. Services are available throughout Snohomish, Island, King and Pierce Counties.
Case/Care Management
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.
Provides skills training to empower people to live independently in the community.
Services may include:
- Information and referral
- Independent living skills training
- Peer support
- Finding and retaining housing
- How to apply for Social Security, DSHS or WA Apple Health (Medicaid)/Medicare
- Assistance with employment including help creating a resume, job search assistance and job preparation services.
All work is focused around the individual consumer's personal goals.
Prevocational Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Information
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Welfare Rights Assistance
Assesses the needs of those who are blind or have low vision to maximize their level of independence by teaching adaptive skills and recommending adaptive devices. Focuses on helping those not seeking employment. Serves Pierce and southwest King County.
Empowers people to live independently in their homes and communities.
Services assist participants in gaining the confidence, skills, and alternative techniques necessary to maintain or regain their independence to restart customary life activities.
Goal is to gain the ability to choose lifestyle and level of independence based on information and knowledge, not perceived limitations.
Low Vision Aids
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Evaluation for Assistive Technology
Travel Training for Older Adults/People With Disabilities
Provides advocacy, information and referral, residential and vocational supports, brokerage support, and supported employment.
Provides advocacy, information and referral, residential and vocational supports, brokerage support, and supported employment. The Supported Living Program provides daily living assistance, including live-in care. Support can include medication administration, financial paperwork and budgeting assistance, assistance with chores and cooking, and social supports.
Developmental Disabilities Behavior Management Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Developmental Disabilities Social/Recreational Programs
Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Provides independent living for seniors who meet income and resource requirements; accepts Medicaid and Medicare
Provides independent living for individuals who meet income and resource requirements; accepts Medicaid and Medicare
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Provides case management services by, or under the supervision of, a Geriatric Mental Health Specialist to assist clients in accessing community resources and supports to live as independently as possible.
Provides case management services by, or under the supervision of, a Geriatric Mental Health Specialist to assist clients in accessing community resources and supports to live as independently as possible.
Responsibilities of a case manager may include housing assistance, advocacy, education of independent living skills and more.assistance, advocacy, education of independent living skills and more.
Psychiatric Case Management
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Geriatric Psychiatry
Providing affordable housing and services for the elderly of the Inland Northwest.
Provides independent living for individuals who meet income and resource requirements; accepts Medicaid and Medicare
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Supports individuals with developmental disabilities by providing community living services to help them live in their own homes within their own communities.
Supports individuals with developmental disabilities by providing community living services to help them live in their own homes within their own communities.
Individualized teaching and training may include:
- Personal hygiene
- Cooking, cleaning, and laundry
- Grocery shopping and menu planning
- Paying bills and budgeting
- Assistance with medications
- Doctor appointments and following doctor orders
- Support with communication devices, transportation, and support with activities
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Supported Employment
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides limited financial assistance and peer counseling services to achieve stable housing for individuals with mental health, substance abuse, or co-occuring disorders.
Provides limited financial assistance and peer counseling services to achieve stable housing for individuals with mental health, substance abuse, or co-occuring disorders. Peer counselors help provide guidance and assistance to obtain and maintain stable housing. Additionally peer counselors act as mentors to help empower, encourage responsibility, and promote active participation in recovery.
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Peer Counseling
Maintains 146 HUD independent low-income senior housing with mandatory meals for seniors 62 and older.
Maintains 146 HUD independent low-income senior housing with mandatory meals for seniors 62 and older.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Maintains an independent affordable living complex for seniors 62 or older and adults 18 and older with disabilities.
Maintains an independent affordable living complex for seniors 62 or older and adults 18 and older with disabilities. The apartments are 1 and 2 bedroom units.
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Provides an Independent living care facility for retired seniors, provides meals and private transportation. Also provides 24-hour security.
Provides an Independent living care facility for retired seniors (55+ years old), provides meals and private transportation. Also provides 24-hour security.
Centers for Independent Living
Independent Living Communities/Complexes