Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
1-25 of 180
Provides job search and referrals through one-on-one assistance. Helps clients search using the internet and make phone calls. Provides job readiness classes that teach resume typing, interview skills, internet searching, etc.
Provides job search and referral assistance through one-on-one assistance. Helps clients search using the Internet and make phone calls. Provides job readiness classes that teach resume typing, interview skills, internet searching, etc.
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Medicaid benefit program that assists individuals find and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Medicaid benefit program that assists individuals find and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Job Search/Placement
Case/Care Management
Housing Search Assistance
Offers community-based employment services for people with disabilities, ages 21 and older.
Offers community-based employment services including job placement and competitive employment.
Job Search/Placement
Vocational Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Provides a local veterans employment specialist and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialist to assist veterans find and attain employment.
A local veterans employment specialist and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists are available to assist the veteran population. Job referral and placement assistance are provided to veterans.
Job Search/Placement
Job Banks
Work Registration
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides tuition/books, advising, career and education planning, job search assistance, and resources and referrals. Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Opportunity Grant and BFET programs available.
Provides tuition/books, advising, career and education planning, job search assistance, and resources and referrals.
Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Opportunity Grant, and BFET programs available.
Job Search/Placement
Tuition Assistance
Career Awareness
Advises and supports men and women who are parents and face barriers to education and training, offers a resources center and assists displaced homemakers in joining the work force.
Provides counseling, academic advising, job search assistance, support groups, an evening lecture series, and classes and workshops on a variety of topics, including job search, career choice, self-esteem, assertiveness, and women in transition.
Offers low-cost introductory computer classes and resource referrals, an annual Women's Celebration, a multicultural International Women's Day event each March, and domestic violence awareness each October.
Offers WorkFirst Tuition Assistance Program for low-income working parents with books and tuition for classes that will help them advance in the workplace.
Additionally offers Families that Work, which combines Basic Skills, GED Preparation, and English as a Second Language classes with computer experience, job search preparation and family management support. Additional support services are available to new moms.
Job Connections, an employment opportunities network, is free and open to everyone.
Job Search/Placement
Academic Counseling
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Return to Education Support
Placement specialist assists clients in job placement for those who have completed the assessment and training program. Follow-up continues for three months.
Placement specialist assists clients in job placement. Follow-up continues for at least three months.
Job Search/Placement
Offers community-based employment services for people with disabilities, ages 21 and older.
Offers community-based employment services including job placement and competitive employment.
Job Search/Placement
Vocational Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Explore training options that lead to a credential and if enrolled, also provide assistance with tuition and training costs. In addition, we may also provide Support Services such as gas vouchers, work clothes, etc. while you’re in training. We can provide temporary paid employment so you can build your resume and develop positive work habits.
We train job seekers to join the workforce and help them find and keep good jobs. We can link workers with training, resources and support.
Job Retraining
Job Search/Placement
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Career Exploration
Career Awareness
WorkSource is a statewide partnership of state, local, and nonprofit agencies that provides an array of employment and training services to job seekers and employers in Washington.
WorkSource is a statewide partnership of state, local, and nonprofit agencies that provides an array of employment and training services to job seekers and employers in Washington.
Public Access Computers/Tools
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Supported Employment
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Virtual, in-person or pre-recorded workshops focused on helping clients make resumes/cover letters, develop strategies for job search, interview techniques, perfect applications, overcoming ageism and get gig work. Schedules available online.
WorkSource Spokane houses a state-of-the-art resource center called "The WorkSource Hub". The Hub provides the ability to research employers, industries and labor market trends, utilize career software to assess your skills and interests, create and update resumes and cover letters, and post your resume online. The Hub is staffed with expert WorkSource Professionals who are dedicated in finding you your next, great career.
Job Search/Placement
Job Search Resource Centers
The Employment Pipeline is a voluntary program that helps eligible DSHS clients secure employment with the right employer at the right time with the right skills.
Voluntary program helps DSHS clients find and keep gainful employment.
Navigators helps clients access education, employment and training services that are provided by workforce development partners.
Navigators also stay in touch with participants for one year after becoming employed, assisting with any needs that may arise.
Job Search/Placement
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Job Corps
Job Search/Placement
Welfare to Work Programs
On the Job Training
Public Access Computers/Tools
Work Experience
Special Needs Job Development
Prejob Guidance
Job Banks
Career Counseling
Veteran Employment Programs
Case/Care Management
Professional Skills Development Support
Business Assistance Centers
Provides job readiness skills including resume preparation, job search assistance, job interview help and on the job coaching to assist in job retention.
Provides job readiness skills including resume preparation, job search assistance, job interview help and on the job coaching to assist in job retention.
Prejob Guidance
Supported Employment
Job Retraining
Job Search/Placement
Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) provides training and education with a goal of assisting Basic Food customers to attaining a living wage career.
Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) provides training and education with a goal of assisting Basic Food customers to attaining a living wage career. Can assist those who qualify with work clothing, gas vouchers, and case management services to assist with finding and maintaining employment.
Job Search/Placement
Provides eviction prevention and employment support for Burien residents experiencing housing and economic instability; eviction notice required.
Assists Burien residents experiencing housing and economic instability. Targets those who are at risk of homelessness and/or facing imminent risk of eviction.
Program participants will be required to work with employment services staff to either find a job or increase income.
Rent Payment Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.
Provides skills training to empower people to live independently in the community.
Services may include:
- Information and referral
- Independent living skills training
- Peer support
- Finding and retaining housing
- How to apply for Social Security, DSHS or WA Apple Health (Medicaid)/Medicare
- Assistance with employment including help creating a resume, job search assistance and job preparation services.
All work is focused around the individual consumer's personal goals.
Welfare Rights Assistance
Assistive Technology Information
Prevocational Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Provides an opportunity for parents receiving TANF to gain work experience and improve job skills while getting paid. Participants must be referred by the DSHS.
Provides an opportunity for parents receiving TANF to gain work experience and improve job skills while getting paid. Participants must be referred by the DSHS.
Work Related Fee Payment Assistance
Professional Skills Development Support
Work Experience
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Retraining
Work Experience
Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Career Counseling
Internship Programs
Program that supports formerly incarcerated individuals. Offers mentorship, training and employment classes. Also offers assistance with housing, legal assistance, basic needs (such as clothing, hygiene products), as well as transportation options.
CORE – Community-Opportunity-Reentry-Education is a program dedicated to supporting individuals who are transitioning out of Washington state’s correctional system. Through advocacy, case management, and volunteer mentors, we offer guidance and support to help navigate the challenges faced during the reentry process. Additionally, we provide free onsite services such as job readiness training, a clothing closet, hygiene kits, assistance finding housing and legal resources, and family reunification services such as mediation, court ordered classes, and supervised child visitation.
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Adult Mentoring Programs
Job Search/Placement
General Clothing Provision
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Designed for individuals with developmental disabilities. Personal vocational assessment and in-depth individualized development. On-site job coach training to meet employer expectations.
Designed for individuals with developmental disabilities. Personal vocational assessment and in-depth individualized development. On-site job coach training to meet employer expectations.
Vocational Assessment
Supported Employment
Individual Advocacy
On the Job Training
Prevocational Training
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Provides online resources to help Seattle residents find work. Helps them discover interests, explore careers, prepare a resume, find educational opportunities and locate jobs.
Provides online resources to help Seattle residents find work.
Resources help library users:
- Explore occupational interests and match them with career paths
- Investigate thousands of career paths
- Build, save, retrieve and update a professional resume and list of references
- Find educational opportunities
- Find jobs
Career Awareness
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Career Exploration
Vocational Assessment
The Employment and Training Center is a WorkSource Affiliate Site with services for job seekers.
The Employment and Training Center is a WorkSource Affiliate Site which provides on-the-job training, job referral and placement, vocational training, job seeking skills and employer education. Target populations are youth and adults. Some special services are available to Workfirst Participants. The Job Training Center provides on the job training, job referral and placement, vocational training, job seeking skills and employer education
On the Job Training
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Job Banks
Job Search/Placement
Job Corps
Veteran Employment Programs
On the Job Training
Professional Skills Development Support
WIOA Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Prejob Guidance
Case/Care Management
Work Experience
Career Counseling
Public Access Computers/Tools
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Business Assistance Centers