Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
1-25 of 180
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.
Provides skills training to empower people to live independently in the community.
Services may include:
- Information and referral
- Independent living skills training
- Peer support
- Finding and retaining housing
- How to apply for Social Security, DSHS or WA Apple Health (Medicaid)/Medicare
- Assistance with employment including help creating a resume, job search assistance and job preparation services.
All work is focused around the individual consumer's personal goals.
Prevocational Training
Welfare Rights Assistance
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Prejob Guidance
Assistive Technology Information
Job Search/Placement
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Career Exploration
Career Awareness
Assists veterans, eligible spouses, and caregivers with employment preparation, including resume and interview, use of computer, job searching, and skills assessments.
Assists veterans, eligible veteran spouses, and veteran caregivers with job listings, referrals, and hiring events; resume, application, and interviewing assistance; use of computers, photocopiers, and phones; skill assessments and referrals to training and other resources. All veterans receive priority of service. Also assists employers with hiring veterans.
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
On the Job Training
Job Search/Placement
Veteran Employment Programs
Job Retraining
Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits. Clients are served on a walk-in and by appointment basis.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Announcement of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online. Job seekers can access or for listings. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Provides weekly orientation classes that provide an overview of the resources and programs available to job seekers at WorkSource. Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining. Matches businesses with qualified applicants to fill open positions. Employers may post job openings online.
Other services for employers include help with workplace consultations, recruitment and layoffs and information on business, industry and economic trends. Provides for on-site recruitment.
Business Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Job Banks
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Career Counseling
Public Access Computers/Tools
Provides job counseling and placement for refugees.
Clients are individually prepared and counseled to work effectively in the workforce through English Improvement classes and Job Readiness training.
The Refugee Employment Project services include the following:
- comprehensive job readiness program
- job placement
- retention services
- workplace skills training
- social services
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
An online resource for foster and former foster youth to access programs that help provide various services.
An online resource for foster and former foster youth to access programs that help provide various services.
Subject Tutoring
Specialized Information and Referral
Job Search/Placement
College/University Entrance Support
Free School Supplies
Provides job development and job seeking assistance to disabled adults who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Participants referred for this service may need assistance in resume building, interviewing techniques and job development activities. Based on the vocational goal of the participant, professional job developers set up job searching and development activities. These include identifying which employers to contact, securing applications and other position related materials, arranging for informational interviews, and making labor market assessments. The participant is expected to take an active role in the process. Once a position is secured and the job offer accepted, skilled job coaches are available to assist in the initial, intensive training on the job. Retention services are also provided for 90 days following placement. These services focus on insuring that both the employee and employer are satisfied with the job and that expectations are being met. If needed, training is also provided to facilitate co-worker support for the new employee. Even after the 90-day retention period, if the need arises for specific training or support, staff remains available to meet those needs.
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Provides bilingual assistance with job applications, job searches and interviews.
Also offers ESL classes as well as employment skills workshops.
Provides employment and adult education services to connect community members with meaningful employment at livable wages and other opportunities to build critical skills.
Employment case managers and economic empowerment coaches help set goals and viable steps to achieve them.
Partners with local community colleges and other partners to connect individuals to vocational training, internship programs, and help with job placement.
Job Search/Placement
English as a Second Language
Assists Medicaid recipients who are chronically homeless and unemployed or under-employed with securing employment through completion of an intake assessment to determine barriers to employment and goals for employment and life stabilization.
Assists Medicaid recipients who are chronically homeless and unemployed or under-employed with securing employment through completion of an intake assessment to determine barriers to employment and goals for employment and life stabilization. Clients work with a caseworker on job skills development, job search, career guidance, collaboration with local businesses to help secure employment prospects. Works on other life skills that may be barriers to employment success and job retention/help in maintaining work after employment is found.
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Career Awareness
Vocational Assessment
Career Counseling
Career Exploration
Job Search/Placement
Provides bilingual assistance with job applications, job searches and interviews.
Also offers ESL and citizenship classes as well as employment skills workshops.
Provides employment and adult education services to connect community members with meaningful employment at livable wages and other opportunities to build critical skills.
Employment case managers and economic empowerment coaches help set goals and viable steps to achieve them.
Partners with local community colleges and other partners to connect individuals to vocational training, internship programs, and help with job placement.
English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Job Search/Placement
Offers job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services. Special programs available for low-income adults, people with disabilities, veterans, refugees or DSHS clients.
Matches employers to job seekers by providing employment services.
Services include job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services.
Offers these services through direct referral and coordination of city, county, state and federal programs.
Also offers employer services, including screening of potential applicants, supervisory training and outplacement services.
Programs include the following employment services.
Not all services offered at all locations:
Community Jobs Initiative (CJI)
Offers paid (minimum wage) internships to job seekers looking to build skills for employment.
Participants must currently receive TANF cash assistance of DSHS - Community Services Office.
This program is implemented through extensive partnerships among state agencies (including DSHS, Employment Security, and the Board of Community and Technical Colleges).
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Services (DVR).
Provides vocational assessment, internship development, and monitoring and job placement services for adults with disabilities who are referred by DSHS - DVR counselors.
Limited English Pathway Placement Services
Offers job readiness workshops, job placement services, skills trainings, and job retention and county wage progression services as well as English language class referrals for King and Snohomish adults with limited English.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and either a refugee with documentation or currently receive TANF cash assistance from DSHS - Community Services Offices.
This is a program of DSHS and the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA).
Veterans Administration Placement Services Employment and training assessment, job placement and job retention services for service connected disabled veterans referred by the Veterans Administration.
Contact Harriet Klein (206) 443-9999 for more information.
Workers Compensation Services Provides vocational assessment, vocational plan development, and monitoring of vocational training programs for injured workers referred by Washington State Labor and Industries Department, including the Office of Workers Compensation Programs.
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Services/Dislocated Worker Services.
Provides job readiness workshops, job placement services, vocational training, and job retention services for adults.
Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Business Consulting Services
Veteran Employment Programs
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
On the Job Training
Assists qualified unemployed people in obtaining suitable work. Provides applicant screening, interview prep, resume assistance, job skills training, and job search assistance. To file an unemployment claim call claims.
Assisting qualified unemployed people in obtaining suitable work. They assist with screening applicants and services to veterans. If you would like to file an unemployment claim please call.
Employment Services:
Find job openings
Learn strategies for finding a job
Get job referrals and job search assistance
Get help preparing your résumé and getting ready for job interviews
Post your résumé online for employers to see
Share job-search strategies with other job seekers (job club)
Assess your skills and get career guidance Get referred to a training program
Learn how much jobs pay and what jobs are in demand
Apprenticeship Training
Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Public Access Computers/Tools
Welfare to Work Programs
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Job development and job seeking assistance for individuals who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Competitive employment services are designed for individuals who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Participants referred for this service may need assistance in resume building, interviewing techniques and job development activities.
Based on the vocational goal of the participant, professional job developers set up job hunting and development activities.
These include identifying which employers to contact, securing applications and other position related materials, arranging for informational interviews, and making labor market assessments.
The participant is expected to take an active role in the process.
Once a position is secured and the job offer accepted, skilled job coaches are available to assist in the initial, intensive training on the job.
Retention services are also provided for 90 days following placement.
These services focus on insuring that both the employee and employer are satisfied with the job and that expectations are being met.
If needed, training is also provided to facilitate co-worker support for the new employee.
Even after the 90-day retention period, if the need arises for specific training or support, staff remains available to meet those needs.
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Provides employment training and placement for members of the Swinomish Tribe.
Provides employment training and placement for members of the Swinomish Tribe.
Job Search/Placement
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Job Retraining
Work Experience
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Welfare to Work Programs
Prejob Guidance
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Provides a free job search center where job seekers can get help with resumes, cover letters, job leads, interviewing preparation, and much more. Google IT 2.0 & Python scholarships are available, as well as Virtual Digital Literacy Workshops and Chromebooks while supplies last.
Provides a free job search center where job seekers can get help with resumes, cover letters, job leads, interviewing preparation, and much more. Google IT 2.0 & Python scholarships are available, as well as Virtual Digital Literacy Workshops. Provides personal help, through the Goodwill Connect hotline, using a computer or digital device to find affordable and quality internet services, get tech support for devices, find a computer or device, and build computer skills.
Computer Distribution Programs
Job Search/Placement
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Supported Employment
Job Search Resource Centers
Provides job development and job seeking assistance to disabled adults who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Competitive employment services are designed for individuals who already have specific skills and some previous work history. Participants referred for this service may need assistance in resume building, interviewing techniques and job development activities. Based on the vocational goal of the participant, professional job developers set up job hunting and development activities. These include identifying which employers to contact, securing applications and other position related materials, arranging for informational interviews, and making labor market assessments. The participant is expected to take an active role in the process. Once a position is secured and the job offer accepted, skilled job coaches are available to assist in the initial, intensive training on the job. Retention services are also provided for 90 days following placement. These services focus on insuring that both the employee and employer are satisfied with the job and that expectations are being met. If needed, training is also provided to facilitate co-worker support for the new employee. Even after the 90-day retention period, if the need arises for specific training or support, staff remains available to meet those needs.
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Provides assessment, testing and referral to skills-training classes.
Provides assessment, testing and referral to skills-training classes. Tuition and books are provided without charge to income eligible applicants. Job referral, placement and follow-up are available at completion of training.
Job Search/Placement
Vocational Assessment
Assists parents on TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) in finding work
Assists parents on TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) in finding work. Services include pre-employment competencies, life skills, comprehensive assessment, job referral, job retention services and other support services such as clothing for work search and gas for work search.
Job Search/Placement
Job development and job seeking assistance for individuals who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Competitive employment services are designed for individuals who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Participants referred for this service may need assistance in resume building, interviewing techniques and job development activities.
Based on the vocational goal of the participant, professional job developers set up job hunting and development activities.
These include identifying which employers to contact, securing applications and other position related materials, arranging for informational interviews, and making labor market assessments.
The participant is expected to take an active role in the process.
Once a position is secured and the job offer accepted, skilled job coaches are available to assist in the initial, intensive training on the job.
Retention services are also provided for 90 days following placement.
These services focus on insuring that both the employee and employer are satisfied with the job and that expectations are being met.
If needed, training is also provided to facilitate co-worker support for the new employee.
Even after the 90-day retention period, if the need arises for specific training or support, staff remains available to meet those needs.
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Veteran Services provide employment related assistance including but is not limited to: job development, business relations, job counseling, job search assistance, job referral and placement.
Provides employment related assistance to Businesses, Veterans and other eligible persons. Services includes but are not limited to; job development, business relations, job counseling, job search assistance, job referral and placement. Veteran staff regularly advise groups in the community, including employers, labor unions and veterans' organizations, of Veterans eligible for employment, as well as connecting Veterans to job openings.
Job Search/Placement
Veteran Employment Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.
Offers a wide variety of services for job seekers, from individual job search assistance to an extensive list of workshops designed to help job search preparedness. Announcements of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online.
Provides computer access to apply for Washington State Unemployment Insurance.
Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining.
Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
Other services may include the following:
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships.
Business Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
Public Access Computers/Tools
Prejob Guidance
Job Banks
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Operates a day center for homeless women and women with children. Offers restrooms, hygiene products, clothing, housing and job search assistance, food, computer and phone access, mail service, benefits enrollment and possible shelter placement.
Operates a day center for homeless women and women with children. The following services are available to clients in a safe environment:
- Hot meals, snacks and food to go
- Restrooms
- Clothing and hygiene items
- Mail service
- Job search assistance
Staff onsite can assist with computer and phone access, benefit enrollment, housing search assistance. Also may provide direct shelter bed placement into Seattle's Union Gospel Mission Women and Children Shelter for eligible women with or without children when available.
Job Search/Placement
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Soup Kitchens
Temporary Mailing Address
Benefits Screening
No Cook Food
General Clothing Provision
Public Access Computers/Tools
Housing Search Assistance
Public Restrooms
Telephone Facilities
Homeless Drop In Centers
Advises and supports men and women who are parents and face barriers to education and training, offers a resources center and assists displaced homemakers in joining the work force.
Provides counseling, academic advising, job search assistance, support groups, an evening lecture series, and classes and workshops on a variety of topics, including job search, career choice, self-esteem, assertiveness, and women in transition.
Offers low-cost introductory computer classes and resource referrals, an annual Women's Celebration, a multicultural International Women's Day event each March, and domestic violence awareness each October.
Offers WorkFirst Tuition Assistance Program for low-income working parents with books and tuition for classes that will help them advance in the workplace.
Additionally offers Families that Work, which combines Basic Skills, GED Preparation, and English as a Second Language classes with computer experience, job search preparation and family management support. Additional support services are available to new moms.
Job Connections, an employment opportunities network, is free and open to everyone.
Job Search/Placement
Academic Counseling
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Return to Education Support
Placement specialist assists clients in job placement for those who have completed the assessment and training program. Follow-up continues for three months.
Placement specialist assists clients in job placement. Follow-up continues for at least three months.
Job Search/Placement