Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
1-25 of 462
Assists pregnant and parenting mothers struggling with drug and alcohol abuse in obtaining and maintaining substance use treatment, staying in recovery, and other difficult life circumstances that they may experience as a result of their substance use.
Assists pregnant and parenting mothers struggling with drug and alcohol abuse in obtaining and maintaining substance use treatment, staying in recovery, and other difficult life circumstances that they may experience as a result of their substance use.
Works to assure safe, stable home environments for children and ensuring they are receiving appropriate, timely health care. Connects mothers to community resources in order for them to build and maintain healthy, independent family lives and works to prevent future births of alcohol and drug-affected children.
Case/Care Management
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides an integrated and flexible array of mental health and social services/supports designed to preserve families and avert unnecessary placement in psychiatric hospitals, foster homes, etc. Provides Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) for youth under 21.
Family Behavioral Health is an integrated, intensive service area within CCS providing care using a "Wraparound" (Individualized and Tailored) approach. Services are designed for children/youth and families with multiple and complex needs, severe histories and who tend to be involved with multiple child-serving systems. Services include: Pediatric Integrated Care - Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) - Behavioral Rehabilitation Services
Case/Care Management
Family Preservation Programs
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Provides individualized guidance for those caring for someone with memory loss/dementia to address needs, plan for the future, and provide ongoing support. In-home visits available.
Provides individualized guidance for those caring for someone with memory loss/dementia to address needs, plan for the future, and provide ongoing support via phone, office visit or in-home visit.
Caregiver support services may include:
- Strategies for coping
- Education to help understand Alzheimer’s dementia behaviors
- Planning for the future and making long-term care plans
- Strategies to maintain family and social relationships
- Support for caregivers balancing many roles and changes
- Assessment of individual and family care needs
- Safety and environment feedback from a dementia care lens
- Coordination of services
- Community resource referral and information
El Portal offers services to Spanish-speaking clients through bilingual care consultants.
Geriatric Assessment
Case/Care Management
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Consultation and Support
Medicaid benefit program that assists individuals find and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Medicaid benefit program that assists individuals find and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Job Search/Placement
Case/Care Management
Housing Search Assistance
Through a combination of outreach, drop-in and case management, OHP staff meet individuals “where they are” and assist in obtaining housing, rental assistance, financial resources, employment, behavioral health counseling and other essential needs.
Through a combination of outreach, drop-in and case management, OHP staff meet individuals “where they are” and assist in obtaining housing, rental assistance, financial resources, employment, behavioral health counseling and other essential needs.
Case/Care Management
Street Outreach Programs
Provides HIV/AIDS outreach, multi-lingual services, case management, advocacy, psychosocial assessments, financial advocacy; assists in benefits management.
Facilitates outreach for HIV/AIDS social work services at Pioneer Square Clinic and Health Care for the Homeless.
Connects downtown and homeless HIV clients to services.
Advocates for clients for mental health, substance use and medical treatment services.
Provides comprehensive psychosocial assessments, care plan development and monitoring, service coordination, prevention and sexual health counseling and back-to-work counseling and referral.
Also assists in accessing community services and benefits and coordinating with inpatient care.
Minority AIDS Initiative provides outreach and support to African Americans with HIV at Harborview.
Provides financial advocacy for patients by helping to access income and medical coverage benefits, assisting in benefits management, networking with DSHS and Social Security, facilitating back-to-work benefits planning and coordinating hospital financial and health care coverage services.
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Gas Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Rental Deposit Assistance
Case/Care Management
TANF Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Rent Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Provides intensive case management for at-risk and homeless youth, 13-25 years of age. Can help youth get help with identification cards, GED and tutoring help, counseling, mentoring, and connecting with other services.
Case/Care Management
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Street Outreach Programs
Tuition Assistance
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Offers mental health counseling and case management; assistance with immigration status adjustment (green cards/citizenship) and family reunification; senior programs with hot meals and activities; parenting education and family support.
Provides Behavioral Health Counseling, Immigration Assistance and Social Services. Offers mental health counseling and case management; assistance with immigration status adjustment (green cards/citizenship) and family reunification; senior programs with hot meals and activities; parenting education and family support.
General Counseling Services
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Parenting Skills Classes
Case/Care Management
Home Delivered Meals
Assists clients in exercising their options for community-based care. Services provided through this program are designed to ensure that clients experiencing complex problems and/or disabilities receive needed services in a timely and appropriate fashion.
Assists clients in exercising their options for community-based care. Services provided through this program are designed to ensure that clients experiencing complex problems and/or disabilities receive needed services in a timely and appropriate fashion, and prevent unnecessary institutionalization. Services may include case management, as well as personal care services.
Case/Care Management
Personal Care
Provides a variety services to adults with mental illness and disabilities. Services include; counseling, case management, family support, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, advocacy, life skills training and employment support.
Provides a variety of community support services to adults with mental illness and disabilities.
Services include:
- individual counseling,
- case management,
- family support,
- psychiatric evaluation,
- medication management,
- advocacy,
- life skills training,
- crisis intervention,
- employment support and
- assessments for residential treatment if necessary.
Also integrates mental health care with medical care. Offers treatment and outreach resources like the mobile health van.
The mobile health van serves as a primary care office on wheels. Visits four Community Mental Health Centers in the South Sound.
Provides services for things like:
- acute and chronic medical illnesses
- routine health screenings,
- guidance from nurses and peer support specialists to help better manage medical conditions and treatments,
- lab tests and medication management for patients actively enrolled in a therapy program.
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
TANF Applications
Rental Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Offers services to survivors of domestic violence and their children including Family Advocacy, Case Management, Safety Planning, YWCA Programs Referrals, and Community Resources and Referrals. *All services are FREE and confidential*
YWCA Kitsap County offers Advocacy to survivors of domestic violence and their children. These services include: Family Advocacy, Case Management, Safety Planning, YWCA Programs Referrals, Community Resources and Referrals, *All services are FREE and confidential*
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Case/Care Management
Provides case management, information and advocacy, as well as assistance with obtaining basic services including housing, medical care, accessing benefits and services that enable seniors to stay in their homes.
Provides case management, information and advocacy, as well as assistance with obtaining basic services including housing, medical care, accessing benefits, and services that enable seniors to stay in their homes.
Outreach Programs
Case/Care Management
Individual Advocacy
Self Advocacy Support
Provides case management and helps arrange for Long Term Care needs.
Provides case management and helps arrange for Long Term Care needs. Case management may be required when a person is released from the hospital after an illness or accident. It may be needed because a family caregiver is unable to handle increasing care needs, if a family wants to know what options they have in caring for an elder, or because a person needing care wants to talk to someone about their options. Helps to identify what care needs a person has by performing a comprehensive assessment of their needs and resources, and works with the individual or family to determine their options for getting needed care.
Case/Care Management
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Case/Care Management
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Gas Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Operates a drop-in center for youth ages 13-22; provides case management, food, clothing, showers, laundry, hygiene items and bus tickets. Also provides substance abuse counseling. Serves as a youth cooling center.
Operates a drop-in center for homeless and street-involved youth and young adults. Provides clients:
- Food
- Clothing (including winter items)
- Showers
- Laundry
- Hygiene supplies
- King County Metro bus tickets
Also offers on-site case management, which helps youth obtain:
- Medical care
- Mental health counseling
- Housing
- Other basic needs services
Laundry Facilities
Case/Care Management
Public Showers/Baths
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers
General Clothing Provision
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Winter Clothing
Drop In Centers
Helps individuals with serious and complex health care challenges to navigate large health care systems and find the resources they need.
Helps individuals with serious and complex health care challenges to navigate large health care systems and find the resources they need. Improves coordination of medical and social services needs such as long-term care, mental health, medical specialists, and housing. Assists with such activities as: transition planning when leaving a hospital or care facility; referral to community and social supports, such as transportation and food resources; and coordinating better communication between your medical providers, family, and other caregivers.
Case/Care Management
Offers program that offers support and connections to services.
The Lifeline program serves as a no-wrong-door access point for support and connection to services for youth and young adults in Washington who require assistance to overcome a life challenge that could escalate into a crisis if not addressed. If you are exiting a system of care, we can help meet your immediate needs through resource navigation and the distribution of program funding for food, shelter, transportation, and more.
Bus Fare
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Food Vouchers
Case/Care Management
Offers supportive services to unpaid adult caregivers in South King County, taking care of an adult age 60 or older or age 18 or older with a disability. Call for information.
Offer supportive services to unpaid adult caregivers. Caregiver support services may include:
- Individualized comprehensive needs assessments and develop care plans
- In-home or office visits within King county
- Referrals to support groups, counseling and other resources
- Advice on the use of supplies and equipment
- Limited respite for the caregiver
Caregiver Training
Case/Care Management
Caregiver Consultation and Support
Connects low-income, single-parent, and immigrant households to organizations that are suitable for their immediate needs. Supports the clients with assistance in the community resources, document reading, advocacy, and more. Call for an appointment.
Connects low-income, single-parent, and immigrant households in Pierce and South King County to organizations that are suitable for their immediate needs. Support services are modeled to support the clients with assistance in the community resources, document reading, advocacy, transportation services, emergency food, financial planning, recertification and employment assistance that helps move families towards self-sufficiency. Help may include:
- Diapers/Wipes
- Clothing
- Shoes
- Household
- Advocacy
- Document reading
- Emergency Food
- Financial and Budget Planning
- Employment Resource
- Resume/Cover Letters
- Housing Resource
- CPR/AED & First Aid Training combined or individually (
Resource service provides and connects clients with local private and non-private organizations available in their community. These services are available to youth and/or families who feel they need support when following up with CPS, court, school, jobs, and doctor appointments. Case management services/skills provide strength and courage to True Blessing clients that face life-changing events. Clients who receive all services provided by True Blessing demonstrate and apply self-awareness and self-independence within their community.
Outreach services are modeled to reach out to clients in areas that do not have many family services available. Consists of bringing awareness to how families can sustain and move towards self-sufficiency. True Blessing currently holds a No Child Left Unfed Fund for all True Blessing clients. This NCLU fund is available to children who have a negative meal account balance at the school where they attend. The reason for this fund is to support families who struggle to make ends meet. Many times, the child is faced with a negative meal account balance and is subject to crackers, a sandwich, and milk for the day. This fund is centered to make sure that the children can be successful in school and the parents can receive support when transitioning in and out of unforeseen circumstances.
Case/Care Management
Provides a wide array of social service to promote the safety and welfare of tribal members. Services include child/adult protection services, benefits assistance, crime victim/sexual assault services, and domestic violence services.
Provides a wide array of social service to promote the safety and welfare of tribal members. ### Services include: - Child Protection Services - Indian Child Welfare - Probation - Sex Offender Registration - Elder Protective Services - General Assistance - Veteran’s Service - Assistance with Social Security issues - Legal Services - Crime Victim Services - Sexual Assault Services - Therapy for Victims - Emergency Protection Services for Adult and Children - Crime Victim Claim forms and Service Center - Caregiver Support Services - Pre-School Assistance - Violence Prevention Activities - Domestic Violence Intervention Services - Elder Services - Court Appointed Special Advocate - And other services
Case/Care Management
Child Abuse Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Children's Protective Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Caregiver Counseling
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
General Crime Victim Assistance
TANF Applications
Guardians ad Litem
Home Based Parenting Education
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adult Protective Services
Offender Registries/Community Notification
General Benefits Assistance
Elder Abuse Prevention
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides case management for high-risk individuals in Kittitas County, who need assistance getting connected to resources.
Provides case management for high-risk individuals in Kittitas County who need assistance getting connected to resources. The Kittitas County Health Network consists of local service providers, healthcare workers, law enforcement, schools, and others who collaborate to address health issues: behavioral health; Adverse Childhood Experiences; care coordination; and social determinants of health, such as housing and access to childcare. The goal is to break down barriers in communication and collaboration in order to provide better services in the community.
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and treatment and recovery support services. Serves adults and youth with substance use disorders.
Statewide program provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and recovery coaching services. Recovery Navigator staff facilitate and coordinate connections to a broad range of community resources for youth and adults, including treatment and recovery support services.
Case/Care Management
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Childbirth Education
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs