Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
1-25 of 179
Helps individuals understand and access available community resources that might help them continue to live independently. Serves low-income African-American adults age 60+ and 18+ with a disability. CLC referral only.
Provides short-term assistance with helping individuals understand the resources available in the community that might best address their needs, then helping the person in coordinating their services so they are able to continue to live independently.
Staff ask questions to develop specific goals to create a plan and partners with clients to implement the plan.
Clients are seen in their own homes.
Case/Care Management
0.7 Miles
Family Caregiver Support offered by Catholic Community Services' African American Elders Program
Provides case management, support and referral services for family caregivers of African-American adults ages 60 and older or under age 60 if disabled.
Provides case management, support and referral services for unpaid family caregivers of African-American adults.
Caregiver support services may include:
- Individualized comprehensive needs assessments and develop care plans
- In-home or office visits within King county
- Referrals to support groups, counseling and other resources
- Limited respite for the caregiver
Adult In Home Respite Care
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Consultation and Support
Case/Care Management
Provides guidance to help make informed choices about supports and services in order to live independently in the community. Focuses on low-to-moderate-income, African-Americans ages 60+ and 18+ with a disability. CLC referral only.
Provides guidance to individuals to help them make informed choices about supports and services in order to live independently in the community.
Works with the individual to explore options that can help them live independently longer in a manner that is safe and meaningful to them.
An options counselor can meet with the older adult one on one to:
- Develop a personalized action plan
- Assesses and refers to additional resources
- Provides limited assistance in filling out paperwork
- Can provide limited phone-based advocacy to connect client to resources
- Guide clients to services to meet their needs.
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Provides professional mental health counseling, family therapy, case management and psychiatric support services to low-income, high-risk area children and youth and their families.
Our team of experienced therapists and committed clinical interns are here to help local children, youth, and caregivers through difficult times. The Behavioral Health Program uses a trauma and culturally responsive, evidence-based approach to address issues such as – but not limited to – depression, family conflict, trauma, and anxiety.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling
Family Counseling Agencies
Provides non-residential, confidential, short-term advocacy, counseling, and housing support services to adult survivors of domestic violence.
Provides non-residential, confidential, short-term advocacy, counseling, and housing support services to adult survivors of domestic violence. Survivors of intimate partner violence who have experienced sexual violence within their relationship are eligible for services. Services available in Spanish.
Services include the following: short-term goal setting, safety planning, help in accessing community resources, short-term trauma-informed counseling, referrals to DV shelters and housing programs, housing search assistance, and limited financial assistance while funds last. This program does not provide emergency or crisis services.
Sexual Assault Counseling
Case/Care Management
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Crime Victim Safety Planning
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Housing Search Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Partners with local health care providers, the state's newborn screening program, families, schools and communities to ensure that all those affected by sickle cell have access to education, resources, counseling and coordinated care.
Provides a network of care providers who offer comprehensive, up-to-date resources to assist Sickle Cell carriers and their families with:
- Access to Washington state's most dedicated sickle cell specialists - physicians, nurses, social workers, genetic counselors and more.
- Opportunities to learn about new ways to prevent and manage pain, to work with teachers and schools, and to otherwise support a child's health, growth and development.
- Social activities and the chance to meet and learn from other families who are living with sickle cell disease.
- Regular updates on the latest research, community activities and other resources.
Provides assistance in patient-provider communication issues
Disease/Disability Information
Case/Care Management
0.9 Miles
Prenatal Care offered by Seattle Roots Community Health's Carolyn Downs Family Medical Center
Provides preventative health services to help women have a healthy pregnancy. Offers family-centered obstetrical care, including delivery at Swedish - First Hill.
Provides preventative health services to help people have a healthy pregnancy.
Offers family-centered obstetrical care, including delivery at Swedish - First Hill.
Provides individualized education and counseling services for women and their partners before and after birth.
Offers the Parental Support Services case management program for low-income people who receive state medical assistance.
Team includes a nurse, nutritionist and a social worker.
Case/Care Management
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Prenatal Care
1.0 Miles
Case Management offered by Health Care Authority's Recovery Navigators at Community Passageways
Provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and treatment and recovery support services. Serves adults and youth with substance use disorders.
Statewide program provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and recovery coaching services. Recovery Navigator staff facilitate and coordinate connections to a broad range of community resources for youth and adults, including treatment and recovery support services.
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
Case/Care Management
Offers HIV/AIDS and STI prevention education, supplies and support for Latino gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals; also offers support groups and case management for people who are HIV positive.
Offers HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted disease prevention education for Latino gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.
Distributes free condoms and lubricants.
Medical Case Management provides support groups and services for people living with HIV.
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Safer Sex Education
Offers program that offers support and connections to services.
The Lifeline program serves as a no-wrong-door access point for support and connection to services for youth and young adults in Washington who require assistance to overcome a life challenge that could escalate into a crisis if not addressed. If you are exiting a system of care, we can help meet your immediate needs through resource navigation and the distribution of program funding for food, shelter, transportation, and more.
Bus Fare
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Food Vouchers
Case/Care Management
Provides housing case management, financial counseling, and limited, emergency rental assistance to individuals and households who are at imminent risk of homelessness. (Rent assistance out of funding until January 6, 2025).
Provides housing case management, financial counseling, and limited, emergency rental assistance to individuals and households who are at imminent risk of homelessness.
Personal Financial Counseling
Case/Care Management
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24. Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.
Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old. TeamChild’s legal team works to secure community-based services, help youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, navigate school discipline, and works with youth incarcerated in the Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) system. Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support. Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration.
Note: TeamChild does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in the juvenile delinquency or adult criminal systems, nor does it offer family law representation, including child custody issues.
Emancipation of Minors
Juvenile Diversion
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Welfare Rights Assistance
Housing Advocacy Groups
Special Education Advocacy
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Individual Advocacy
Housing Complaints
Case/Care Management
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Children's Rights Groups
General Education Advocacy
Provides general assistance and advocacy services for victims of domestic violence, including education, case management, food vouchers and safety planning.
Provides assistance for victims of domestic violence.
- Education (both individual and group)
- Assistance with restraining orders
- Assistance with finding safe shelters
- Safety planning
- Emergency assistance such as food vouchers and transportation.
Sexual Assault Protection/Restraining Orders
Stalking/Harassment Orders
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
Case/Care Management
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Provides medical, dental and mental health referrals as well as mentoring and case management.
Primarily serves American Indian and Alaska Native youth.
Provides medical, dental and mental health referrals as well as mentoring and case management.
Works to reduce absenteeism and to increase academic performance.
Two weeks notice required for interpreter services. Lushootseed is the language of the Native people of the South Salish Sea. In Lushootseed, "Kwacil" means dawn or daybreak".
Case/Care Management
Dropout Prevention
Youth/Student Support Groups
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Offers case management and mental health services for those who have served in the military and/or for their family members.
Mental health services include screening, counseling, support groups and referrals to additional services.
Offers services for those who have served in the military and/or for their family members.
Our services include:
- Care management
- Mental health screening
- Counseling and follow-up support
- Resource information and referrals
- Traditional Indian medicine consultation and referral
- Support groups
Case/Care Management
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Water Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
TANF Applications
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Bilingual and bicultural social workers provide support services for Asian family caregivers, including case management, needs assessment, service plan development, consultation and caregiver education and counseling.
Bilingual and bicultural social workers provide support services for family caregivers. Offers: - Information and referral - Case management - Needs assessment - Service plan development - Consultation - Caregiver education and counseling - Respite care services including housekeeping and errands , personal care. Information and resources support. Services may be delivered through phone, office/home visits or other venues.
Caregiver Counseling
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Consultation and Support
Case/Care Management
Provides individualized services to keep nursing-home eligible individuals living independently at home or in the community as long as possible. Provides medical care, adult day care and in-home care as needed.
Provides individualized services to keep nursing-home eligible individuals living independently at home or in the community as long as possible.
A team of eldercare experts does an assessment, designs a comprehensive personalized care plan, then provides and coordinates services to address health and personal care needs.
PACE health services include the following as needed:
- Adult day services
- Medical care
- Caregiver support
- Transportation to the facility
- In-home care
- Medication Management
PACE Programs
Geriatric Medicine
Case/Care Management
Case managers provide assistance in accessing basic and emergency resources, naturalization assistance, individual ESL instruction, public benefits application procedures, health insurance programs and health advocacy.
Case managers provide assistance in accessing basic and emergency resources, naturalization assistance, individual ESL instruction, public benefits application procedures.
Provides Obama Healthcare and WA Apple Health ( Medicaid) health advocacy.
Assists clients in applying for unemployment benefits and SNAP/EBT.
Intensive case management services assist immigrants and refugees in overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency that are caused by difficulty in accessing and appropriately utilizing the health and human service systems.
Home visits are available.
Food Stamps/SNAP Applications
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee Resettlement Services
Case/Care Management
Health Related Advocacy Groups
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
English as a Second Language
Provides support for relatives providing full-time child care. Helps kinship families apply for public funding, social work services, child development activities and school advocacy. Referrals typically come from DSHS social workers.
Provides individualized support services for kinship families.
Kinship care is the full-time care and nurturing of children by relatives.
Staff help kinship families apply for public funding, social work services, child development activities, school advocacy and other child-specific services.
Focus is on ensuring legal permanency for children in the child welfare system.
Case/Care Management
Works to divert low-income Latino youth ages 12-24 living in southeast, southwest and central Seattle, from dangerous lifestyle choices and to increase their connection with school and activities.
Works to re-engage youth in school and prevent students from dropping out through supportive case management. Focuses on keeping youth in school and increasing academic achievement. Case management services help youth navigate the school and court systems and access tutoring, housing, health, mental health, employment and treatment services. Case managers provide outreach and advocacy, as well as culturally and linguistically appropriate support services. Also connects high-risk youth and families to services, maintains regular contact with youth and monitors youth progress toward reaching individual academic goals.
Youth Violence Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Case/Care Management
Provides programs to support and educate pregnant Latina women and mothers of children up to age 2 living in Seattle and South King County. Includes a center-based case management program as well as home visiting programs.
Offers programs to support and educate pregnant women and mothers of children up to 2 years of age. Programs include:
Bebes! HOPE (Healthy Outcomes, Prevention and Education):
A center-based case management program offering support, referral and resources
Bebes! BSK (Best Start for Kids):
A home visiting program twice a month, resources, referral and support for pregnant women and parents with children up to two years of age
ParentChild+ Program:
A home visiting program with 30 minute visits twice a week, helps prepare children for school, supports parents and offers free books and toys to enhance learning for children 18-30 months;
Growing and Learning Together (PAT):
A twice a month home visiting program for pregnant women or with infants and toddlers, not attending a child development center. Includes educational workshops and at home visits for individualized help.
Home Based Parenting Education
Case/Care Management
Provides preschool and youth programs to enhance academic achievement and bicultural identity, as well as bilingual parent education, family counseling and caregiver support to help bridge generational and cultural differences.
Programs designed to enhance families' ability to participate in a multicultural society. Includes preschool and youth programs to enhance academic achievement and bicultural identity, as well as bilingual parent education, family counseling and caregiver support to help bridge generational and cultural differences. After-school program includes: - Homework guidance - Academic enrichment activities & school collaboration - Bilingual & bicultural identity development - Social life skills and community awareness building - Computer literacy activities - Leadership skills and service learning - Family and school collaboration - Mentoring for youth with adjustment difficulties - Summer activities and field trips
Parenting Skills Classes
Homework Help Programs
Community Based Preschools
Case/Care Management
Caregiver Counseling
Youth Enrichment Programs
Offers supportive services for caregivers of older adults and adults with a disability. Focuses on limited English-speaking Chinese and other Asian individuals and families.
Call for information.
Offers supportive services for caregivers of older adults and adults with a disability.
Services may include:
- Individualized comprehensive needs assessments and develop care plans
- In-home or office visits within King county
- Referrals to support groups, counseling and other resources
- Advice on the use of supplies and equipment
- Limited respite for the caregiver
Adult In Home Respite Care
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Consultation and Support
Case/Care Management
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Helps individuals understand and access available community resources that might help them continue to live independently. Primarily serves non-English-speaking Chinese older adults. CLC referral only.
Provides short-term assistance with helping individuals understand the resources available in the community that might best address their needs, then helping the person in coordinating their services so they are able to continue to live independently. Case managers conduct interviews to assess the clients' needs, develop culturally appropriate care plans, work in coordination with home care and service providers and monitor client progress.