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Assists with specific unforeseen emergency financial, medical and mental health needs of owners and employees of physical book shops and comic shops, and their immediate family members living in the same household.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
MUST BE HOMELESS - Provides transitional housing and deposit/first month's rent for homeless, permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless Diversion Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Helps veterans with food, shelter, utilities, eviction prevention, employment related expenses, move-in costs, medical, gas and prescriptions. Satellite offices located throughout King County.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Hair and Nail Care
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Tuition Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Food Vouchers
When funding allows: Works with survivors who are needing support with housing searches, relocation to another County or State, rental assistance (as available) on a non-emergency circumstance.
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.


Rent Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
TANF Applications
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
State Disability Insurance Applications
Case/Care Management
Limited assistance with rent and utilities for individuals and families in need. Must provide power company reference number from bill for utility help.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Centralized access point for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to connect to the programs and services they need. Services include shelter placement and housing/safe parking programs.


Homeless Safe Parking Programs
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Rental Deposit Assistance
Street Outreach Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rent Payment Assistance
Community Shelters
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers emergency financial assistance to residents of the Snoqualmie Valley. **AT or BELOW 200% FPL or 50% AMI**


Rental Deposit Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Helps military service members and their families with basic life needs who run into unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other hardships directly related to military service.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Clothing Vouchers
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Eye Care Expense Assistance
Automobile Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Provides food boxes with a 3-day food supply. Provides hot lunches and personal care items such as soap and shampoo. Provides limited rent assistance of up to $300 when funding is available.


Community Meals
Food Pantries
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.


Rental Deposit Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
State Disability Insurance Applications
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
TANF Applications
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.


Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
TANF Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Case/Care Management
Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Provides rapid re-housing services for homeless families and individuals--limited rent assistance and case management are secondary services. Access point for the Coordinated Entry program, which provides shelter and housing services for people experiencing homelessness.


Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent and utility assistance for people age 12-24 only.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.


Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Homeless Diversion Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Administers the first point of entry for families and individuals who are currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help them with their housing condition. Currently assisting with Eviction Rent Assistance (ERAP).


Community Shelters
Homeless Diversion Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Providing eviction prevention to income eligible households in Thurston County who are willing to meet program requirements. This program serves adults under the age of 25. Families with children contact Family Support Center. Adults over age 25 contact PIPE.
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.


State Disability Insurance Applications
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Rental Deposit Assistance
TANF Applications
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
On-site community resources (Utilities assistance, gas vouchers, etc). Rental/mortgage assistance may be available to those in the Rochester School District. Call for appointment. Offered in Spanish when Spanish-speaking staff are in.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Provides HEN eligible clients with basic assistance, including toiletries, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry/dish soap, and bus passes. Financial assistance may include rent, utilities, and move-in assistance, if funding is available. Must apply at the DSHS first; once qualified, call Washington Gorge Action Programs.


Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Rental Deposit Assistance
Cleaning Products
Local Transit Passes
Utility Deposit Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Case/Care Management
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Rental Deposit Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Assists in need veterans and their families by providing financial cash grants. Grants are to be used for needs such as: food, rent, utilities, transportation, medical expenses, burial/cremation, home/appliance/auto repairs, and clothing.


Mortgage Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Gas Money
Water Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Benefits Screening
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Armed Forces Emergency Services
Moving Services
Veteran Burial Benefits
Rental Deposit Assistance
Academic Records Fee Payment Assistance
Social Services for Military Personnel
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Works to reduce and prevent homelessness for youth and young adults through five priority service areas.


Work Clothing
Prescription Expense Assistance
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Hair and Nail Care
Identification Cards
Rent Payment Assistance
Free School Supplies
Rental Deposit Assistance
Formula/Baby Food
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.


TANF Appeals/Complaints
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Offers assistance with basic needs, utilities, rent, prescription medication, and other expenses on a case-by-case basis.


Clothing Vouchers
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
General Furniture Provision
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Food Vouchers