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1-25 of 26
Offers affordable housing to low-income elderly or disabled individuals. Some 1-bedroom apartments are wheelchair accessible.(2 people is the maximum household size/occupancy for the building).
Offers one-bedroom apartment units for low-income elderly or disabled individuals. Some units are wheelchair accessible.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Operates a village of tiny houses for homeless single men, women, couples and families with children. Houses have electricity, are insulated and come with a heater. Waitlist is filled by participants in other Nickelsville sites. Charges utility fees.
Operates a village of tiny houses at two locations for homeless single men, women, couples and families.
Hygiene trailer on site with three bathrooms with shower.
washer and dryer.
Provides a Kitchen tent with hot and cold running water, refrigerator, freezer, and microwave. Participation in operating the village is required.
Optional case management provided to residents by LIHI;
Public Health caseworkers help families staying at the encampment connect with available resources.
Urban Campsites
Homeless Alternative Housing Developments
Unfurnished apartments for self-sufficient adults, 62 and older; subsidized units available for low-income older adults; meals, services and social activities.
Provides unfurnished apartments with kitchens for independent adults, 62 years and older. Some units are subsidized, and clients must meet guidelines for low-income senior housing.
Services include laundry, bookmobile and a wellness program.
Currently, Hilltop has food provided for free from once per day.
Building is secure.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Manages 164 independent-living studio and one-bedroom apartments for low-income adults, 62+.
Manages 164 subsidized independent-living housing and low-cost market rate units for low-income older adults.
Offers both studio and one-bedroom apartments. Facility has two elevators and provides grab bars in the bathrooms.
Offers occasional social activities, such as holiday parties, to residents.
Provides weekly van transportation to a shopping area for a fee of $1 per trip.
Organizes occasional recreational day and overnight trips at an additional cost.
No transportation is provided to medical and related appointments.
Does not include a meal program.
Facility is designated non-smoking.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Offers commercial space for arts-related businesses and organizations, and low-income artist live/work housing for artists and their families.
Provides low-income tax credit housing for artists and community members at 3 Seattle area properties.
Currently accepting names for the opening interest list.
Estimated wait is around 3-7 years.
Artists of all types are prioritized.
Artspace Projects are committed to attracting creative individuals and families from diverse artistic and cultural backgrounds. We are especially interested in individuals who are committed to building a community and will give some of their time and energy toward this goal. Visit website for more information.
Tashiro Kaplan - 50 units
Mt Baker - 57 Units
Hiawatha - 61 units
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Develops and maintains 45 properties of below-market and HUD-subsidized rental housing in Seattle; for moderate- to low-income families, couples and individuals.
Builds, owns and operates below-market and HUD-subsidized rental properties in Seattle.
The 45 properties offer over 1,500 units, and are mostly located in the Capitol Hill, Denny Regrade and Belltown neighborhoods, with others in Laurelhurst, Ballard and South Seattle.
Units range in size from studio to three-bedroom.
Language interpretation can be arranged for applicants.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Operates low-cost permanent housing complexes in King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom and Spokane counties for low-income individuals, couples and families.
Provides low-cost permanent housing apartments. Units range from efficiencies (single room occupancy) to studios and apartments.
Laundry room on site.
Efficiencies have kitchenette and a shared bath - apartments have private bathrooms and kitchens in units.
Monthly rental rate includes water, sewer, garbage collection, electricity and gas.
Houses are located in King, Whatcom and Spokane counties.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Develops and manages affordable one- to four-bedroom apartments and studios throughout Seattle; income and rental history requirements.
Develops and preserves affordable rental housing throughout Seattle.
Owns and manages over 30 properties for a total of over 2000 units in the Seattle neighborhoods of Belltown, Capitol Hill, Cascade, Central Area, Denny Triangle, Downtown, First Hill, International District, Northgate, Rainier Valley and Wallingford, as well as the city of Tukwila.
Units range in size from studios to four-bedroom apartments.
Website provides detailed information about eligibility, application process and all properties.
Properties can be searched by name and by neighborhood.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
4.5 Miles
Affordable Housing offered by SEED
Manages affordable housing in Southeast Seattle; apartment units range from studio to 3-bedroom; rents between $940-1980, depending on unit size; for low- and moderate-income residents, with one property specifically for older adults and people with disabilities.
Purchases, rehabilitates and owns affordable housing properties in Southeast Seattle.
Manages 11 properties, in the Columbia City, Genesee and TOD Development Overlay neighborhoods, offering a total of about 750 units.
Unit sizes range from studios to three-bedroom apartments.
Other housing properties owned by SEED are managed by Coast property Management.
Also contributes to economic development of the region by investing in local business enterprises.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Offers a chance to receive Housing Choice Voucher rental subsidies to Seattle households at less than 50% AMI, priority given to households under 30% AMI. Applications will be accepted beginning Jan. 17, 2024. The opportunity to apply will be ongoing.
Operates the tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), which allows very low-income households to pay rent equal to 30-40% of monthly income, at units that participants select and rent independently from private landlords.
Seattle Housing Authority pays the remainder of each month's rent to the landlord.
Applicants on the voucher list will be chosen at random when vouchers are available. The number of applicants selected in each drawing will vary, depending on the number of vouchers available. The chance of being drawn is the same no matter when households apply. Random selection ensures that all applicants have an equal chance of being drawn at any time. The open application opportunity will be available for families and individuals whenever they wish to apply. SHA will review eligibility and verify income at the time applicants are selected from the list. Applicants who meet the voucher program eligibility requirements and meet the program preferences will be served.
Rent amounts are subject to HUD limits.
Each household must locate their own housing unit within 120 days of receipt of voucher.
SHA may grant extensions beyond 120 days, but household must reach out to their issuing Certification Specialist for more information and have their request submitted in writing before the 120-day expiration date. Once housing is located, Seattle Housing Authority then will accept self-certification of inspection from the Landlord of the unit to ensure that it is maintained in a decent, safe and sanitary condition.
To remain on the list, applicants must also check in monthly using Save My Spot in the SHA Portal.
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Provides affordable housing for low-income older adults and people with disabilities with income less than 80% of the median. Operates 23 multi-family buildings in the city of Seattle. Units are mostly one-bedroom.
Provides affordable housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities, at 23 multi-family, low-rise buildings within the city of Seattle.
Units are mostly one-bedroom, with a limited number of two-bedrooms.
All buildings are owned by the Seattle Housing Authority. All units are wheelchair accessible.
Public Housing
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Provides conventional public housing throughout the city of Seattle, in designated high-rises, townhouses and garden communities owned by the Seattle Housing Authority; serves low-income households.
Provides conventional low-income public housing throughout the city of Seattle.
Housing is offered in designated high-rises, townhouses and garden communities, all owned by the Seattle Housing Authority and subsidized by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Long waiting lists exist for all programs; does not offer emergency housing.
Housing Authorities
Public Housing
Operates a self-managed tiny house village for homeless single men, women, couples and families and their pets.
Operates a village of tiny houses at two locations for homeless single men, women, couples and families.
Hygiene trailer on site with three bathrooms with shower.
washer and dryer.
Provides a Kitchen tent with hot and cold running water, refrigerator, freezer, and microwave. Participation in operating the village is required.
Optional case management provided to residents by LIHI;
Public Health caseworkers help families staying at the encampment connect with available resources.
Urban Campsites
Homeless Alternative Housing Developments
Provides affordable rental housing for adults ages 62 and older. Units range from studios to two bedrooms. Contact each apartment complex directly for applications.
Provides affordable, independent living rental housing for adults 62 and older. Evergreen Court provides an Assisted Living option.
Units range from studios to two bedrooms. Contact each apartment complex directly for applications.
Evergreen Court - 84 Units - 30%, 50%, 60% and market rate
Ashwood Court - 51 Units - 35% and 65% AMI.
Greenbrier Senior - 50 Units - 30%, 50%, and 60% AMI
Heron Landing - 51 Units - 40% AMI
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Provides affordable housing through 9 market-rate and low income tax credit properties in Bellevue, Kirkland, Kenmore, Redmond, Renton and Woodinville. Units range from 1 to 4 bedrooms. Contact each apartment complex directly for applications.
Provides affordable housing through 9 market-rate and low income tax credit properties in Bellevue, Kenmore, Redmond, Renton, Seattle, Tukwila and Woodinville.
Units range from 1 to 4 bedrooms. Pets are allowed.
Contact each apartment complex directly for applications.
Garden Grove - 18 Units - 50% and 60% AMI
Glendale - 83 units - 50% and 60% AMI
Greenbrier Family - 50 units - 30%, 50% and 60% AMI
Heron Run - 46 units - 40% AMI
Liberty Square - 92 units - 50% and 60% AMI
Mountain View -51 units - 40% and 50% AMI
Summerwood - 118 Units - 30%, 50%, 60%, and market rate
Wildwood - 36 Units - Subsidized only - 2 year waiting list.
Bradbury Apartments- 29 studio and one-bedroom units. No direct subsidy for the units, but accepts Housing Choice vouchers.
Market Rate Rental Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
10.0 Miles
Affordable Housing offered by Compass Housing Alliance at Longfellow and Westwood Court Cooperatives
Provides affordable rental housing in the Westwood neighborhood of Southwest Seattle. Offers 45 one- to five-bedroom townhouse apartments; serves households of 1-11.
Provides affordable rental housing in the King County area.
Offers independent living for seniors, supportive housing for formerly homeless individuals, and affordable apartments for low-income and working-class households.
Managed buildings include:
- Compass Angle Lake Court - 80 units - 55 and older only. 30% and 50% AMI units.
- Compass Bergan Place - 38 Units
- Compass Broadview - 58 units - 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. 30% AMI units only available through YWCA. 50% AMI tax credit units. Onsite supportive services.
- Compass Cascade Women's Program - 32 units of supported housing for chronic homeless women, via referral from Coordinated Entry only. Onsite supportive services.
- Compass on Dexter - 72 units - 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms (30% and 50%) Onsite supportive services.
- Compass Courts - 45 units - 50% AMI only
- Compass Dekko Place - 50 units - 30% and 60% AMI. Onsite supportive services.
- Compass Easternwood Cooperative -18 units
- Compass Karlstrom Apartments - 23 units - Studios only. 30% and 50% AMI. Support services onsite.
- Compass Ronald Commons - 60 units. Studio, 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. 30% and 50% AMI. 30% units are only available through CEA. Onsite supportive services.
- Compass Northlake Grove Cooperative - 24 units.
- Compass Nyer Urness House - 80 units - Case managed units for formerly homeless adults, via referral from Coordinated Entry only. Onsite supportive services.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Issues Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental subsidies for very low-income households. Vouchers are distributed through a lottery based system whenever the waitlist runs low. Website lists what lottery numbers are currently being served.
Operates the tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), which allows low-income households to pay rent equal to 30-40% of monthly income, at units that participants select and rent independently from private landlords.
Subsidized by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the King County Housing Authority pays the remainder of each month's rent to the landlord.
Rent amounts are subject to HUD limits.
Each household must locate their own housing unit within 120 days of receipt of their voucher. If additional time is needed, household should contact their KCHA Housing Specialist before their deadline to ask about filing for an extension.
Once housing is obtained, KCHA then inspects each unit to ensure that it is maintained in a decent, safe and sanitary condition.
Waitlist lottery applications are currently closed as of Feb. 26, 2020. Typically opens every 2-3 years.
Website lists what lottery numbers are currently being served.
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Offers 80 one- and two-bedroom rental units for older adults, ages 55 and older, with low to moderate income; completely independent living, with common spaces and amenities.
Provides an 80-unit, three-story housing with independent living one- and two-bedroom apartments for seniors.
Complex includes a community room, library with large-screen TV, elevators, community computers with internet access, elevators, and a van for residential outings and laundry on each floor.
Building and units are wheelchair accessible.
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
1689.9 Miles
Senior Affordable Housing offered by Fairfield
Offers affordable apartment housing throughout King County and Western Washington for age and income qualified senior residents.
Offers affordable apartment housing throughout King County and western Washington for age and income qualified senior residents.
In King County properties are located in Auburn, Federal Way, Kirkland, Seattle, and North Seattle.
Qualifications are building specific and vary with each location.
These are the senior affordable properties:
Auburn Court - (833) 768-1708,
Cedar Park - (844) 734-3715,
Meridian Court - (833) 257-1500,
Washington Terrace - (844) 640-9059,
Woodlands at Forbes Lake - (833) 465-6122,
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Develops and manages permanent housing for low-income individuals, couples and families; locations throughout Puget Sound Region; vacancies are posted on website as they occur.
Develops and manages permanent low-cost housing throughout the Puget Sound region, in King, Snohomish, Pierce, Thurston, Kitsap and Island counties.
Units range in size from single room occupancy (SRO) rooms for single adults to multiple-bedroom units for families.
Offers residents limited case management, classes and other client assistance, through resident services department.
Single Room Occupancy Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Offers searchable online database of affordable low-income and subsidized housing properties throughout Washington state.
Offers searchable online database of affordable low-income and subsidized housing properties throughout Washington state.
Offers search options of:
- Location
- Eligibility
- Rent affordability
- Amenities
- Bedrooms
- Availability, including waiting list length
Also designates housing specific to:
- Seniors
- People with disabilities
- Families
- Individuals
Includes extensive information on income qualifications for various programs and counties throughout the state.
Agency staff do NOT provide referrals or individualized housing locator services.
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Home Rental Listings
Waitlist is CLOSED. Offers rental subsidies for low-income households; clients locate own housing subject to HUD and Housing Authority guidelines.
Provides rental subsidies for eligible low-income households to use for housing of their own choosing.
Units must be located within Renton, and must be inspected and approved by the Housing Authority.
Provides affordable housing statewide for low-income individuals, couples, families, older adults and people with disabilities, in one- to three-bedroom apartments; offers extensive support services.
Develops and manages affordable housing throughout Washington state. Offers studios, one-, two- and three-bedroom units.
Manages 49 properties statewide, in the following 14 counties:
- Clark: 1 property, 69 family units
- King: 7 properties (Kent, Seattle), 868 family units
- Lewis: 2 properties, 62 senior/disabled units
- Pierce: 6 properties, 160 family units, 215 senior units
- Skagit: 5 properties, 68 family and 84 senior/disabled units
- Snohomish: 11 properties, 352 family and 120 senior/disabled units
- Thurston: 3 properties, 154 family and 30 senior/disabled units
- Whatcom: 8 properties, 365 family and 101 senior/disabled units
Provides additional support services including the following:
- ESL classes
- After school programs
- Job development
- Financial well-being
- Computer lab and instruction
- Health and wellness information and screening
- Parenting classes
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Waitlist Closed as of March 15, 2018. Offers subsidized and market rate housing throughout Renton for low-income households, with specific units for low-income older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Provides subsidized rental housing for eligible households, at several properties throughout Renton. Some buildings are reserved specifically for seniors and/or adults with disabilities.
Public Housing
Housing Authorities
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Provides searchable, real-time, detailed listings of available housing, including senior housing options for King County.
Provides searchable, real time , detailed listings of available low and market-rate housing, including senior housing options in King County.
The site also provides helpful tools such as a rent checklist, affordability calculator and links to other helpful resources.
Website includes different language options.
Roommate/Housemate Matching Assistance
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Public Housing
Senior Housing Information and Referral